Tag Archives: raman

Online Raman Spectroscopy: Benefits of Metabolites Monitoring & Impact on Upstream Productivity

online Raman spectroscopy: benefits of metabolites monitoring and impact on upstream productivity

Online Raman spectroscopy is a very well-established measurement technique for accurate measurements of glucose, lactate, viable cell density, and product concentration. Adaptive or closed-loop control strategies are now widely utilized to maintain glucose concentration at a fixed setpoint or to minimize lactate accumulation by adjusting the glucose feed rate. Additionally, this technology provides significant information about […]

Raman Spectroscopy in Bioprocessing: An Introduction to Spectroscopic Methods of Analysis & Applications in PAT

raman spectroscopy in bioprocessing

Introduction | What Is Spectroscopy? | Spectroscopic Techniques: Introduction to Spectroscopic Methods of Analysis in Bioprocessing: Luminescence | Absorption / NIR | Raman | Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Bioprocessing: PAT in Upstream | Raman in Upstream | PAT in Downstream | Raman in Downstream | Raman Analyzers Introduction The release of the FDA’s guidance […]

Achieving Superior Raman Measurements: Understanding and Avoiding Detector Saturation

One of the primary technological advantages of Tornado Raman analyzers over conventional Raman devices is the significantly higher optical efficiency delivered by our HTVS™ platform (described in this prior blog post). With 10x to 30x more photons per second, Tornado systems provide superior spectral data for better precision and sensitivity for PAT measurements, as we […]