Tag Archives: single-use

Bioprocess Tubing: Selecting the Best Fit for Your Biopharmaceutical Application

bioprocess tubing: selecting the best fit for your biopharmaceutical application

Selecting the tubing for your Bioprocess, Biopharmaceutical and Cell & Gene Therapies (CAGT) applications is crucial for ensuring the integrity and safety of your single-use assemblies. There are several key factors to consider when selecting tubing for these industries. In this article, we will discuss some of the key considerations when selecting tubing for your […]

How Do Peristaltic Pumps Work?

how do peristaltic pumps work

What Are Peristaltic Pumps? Peristaltic pumps — also called tubing pumps, roller pumps, or hose pumps — are important tools for medical, laboratory, and bioprocess/biopharma processes. They are a laboratory staple commonly used for processes such as fluid transfers, filtration/chromatography applications, volume dosing/metering, and volume control of all types of vessels. Peristaltic pumps are positive […]

Using AseptiQuik & Kleenpak Connectors with Aber Probes in Single-Use Bioreactors

using aseptiquik and kleenpak connectors with aber probes in single-use bioreactors

From traditional bioreactors to SUBs (Single-Use Bioreactors) Traditionally, bioreactors have been constructed from glass or stainless steel, and were designed to be reusable. However, in between batches, these vessels had to be carefully cleaned and sterilized prior to the next process being introduced. This cleaning process is labor-intensive and time-consuming. To reduce the costs and […]