Cell Culture Bioreactor Vessel (Single-Use)

Easy-to-order customized vessels in various sizes from 250ml up to 30L!

  • Carefully designed impellers of various shapes and sizes provide radial as well as low gradient axial flow at speeds up to 500 RPM
  • All equipped with 7-8 mm diameter temperature probe well with well length depending on vessel size
  • Common options available include electric blanket heating or jacketed for water, top mounted or magnetic drive. Wide variety of impellers (or turbines), spargers, exhaust filters, bioreactor tubing, etc.
  • Large selection of collection bottles and gas condensers
  • Fully customized top plates for free configuration (distribution of type and size of ports)
  • Wide selection of single-use sensors (pH, DO, dCO2, glucose, etc.)

ProAnalytics is proud to introduce CerCell‘s fully configurable single-use vessels, designed to meet your unique process application requirements.

  • Build to your individual specifications with 5000+ different parts available.
  • Injection-molded vessels and full selection of single-use sensors and components.

This widely customizable product is supplied in a variety of sizes and applications categories including:

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