Single-Use Fermenter Vessels
Easy-to-order customized single-use fermenter vessels in various sizes from 500ml up to 30L!
The standard, most popular unit features an OD of 137 mm and a height of 270 mm, and comes equipped with two Rushton turbines, three baffles, standard sensor ports, a gas condenser, and a tubing kit.
Most common options on all sizes:
- Top mounted drive 2000 RPM stirrer. Adaptor plates available for most brands servo motors.
- Integrated jacket on single-use fermenter vessel or optional external reusable glass jackets.
- Wide selection of single-use sensors (pH, DO, dCO2, glucose, etc.) or standard reusable sensors.
- Accessories include heating blankets, bottom magnetic drives, electric thermal controls, etc.
About CerCell
ProAnalytics is proud to introduce CerCell‘s fully configurable single-use vessels, designed to meet your unique process application requirements.
- Build to your individual specifications with 5000+ different parts available.
- Injection-molded vessels and full selection of single-use sensors and components.
This widely customizable product is supplied in a variety of sizes and applications categories including:
Single-Use Cell Culture Bioreactor Vessels
Single-Use Fermenter Vessels
Single-Use Mixers
Single-Use Perfusion Bioreactor Vessels
Bioreactor Accessories