Author Archives: David Koechlein

Bioprocess Tubing: Selecting the Best Fit for Your Biopharmaceutical Application

bioprocess tubing: selecting the best fit for your biopharmaceutical application

Selecting the tubing for your Bioprocess, Biopharmaceutical and Cell & Gene Therapies (CAGT) applications is crucial for ensuring the integrity and safety of your single-use assemblies. There are several key factors to consider when selecting tubing for these industries. In this article, we will discuss some of the key considerations when selecting tubing for your […]

Preventing High-Density Cell Cultures from Fouling a Single-Use Continuous Centrifuge Using the ABER Optura SPY

Preventing High-Density Cell Cultures from Fouling SU Continuous Centrifuges Using the ABER OPTURA SPY

Authors: Holly Sullivan, David Koechlein, Justin Lussier Introduction The ability produce biological drugs at lower costs and higher yields has been a major focus for biomanufacturing. With the advent of Single-Use Bioreactors and improved molecular biology, cell cultures can be > 20 x 106 cells/mL (1). Clarification of these cultures typically involves a primary depth […]

How Do Peristaltic Pumps Work?

how do peristaltic pumps work

What Are Peristaltic Pumps? Peristaltic pumps — also called tubing pumps, roller pumps, or hose pumps — are important tools for medical, laboratory, and bioprocess/biopharma processes. They are a laboratory staple commonly used for processes such as fluid transfers, filtration/chromatography applications, volume dosing/metering, and volume control of all types of vessels. Peristaltic pumps are positive […]