Our Team

marcelo luftman

Marcelo Luftman
Managing Director/President

Silvina Goott
Accounting Director

elaine cahili

Elaine Cahili
Logistics & Administrative Operations Manager

david koechlein

David Koechlein, MSc
Director of Marketing & Applications

paul goott

Paul Goott
Strategic Initiatives Manager

brian trippe

Brian Trippe
Business Development Manager (Northeast)

john poppleton

John Poppleton
Business Development Manager (Bay Area, CA)

justin lussier

Justin Lussier
Senior Sales Engineer (Key Accounts in NJ and PA)

Nelson Garcia
Senior Sales Engineer (NJ/Mid-Atlantic Region)

dan matlock

Dan Matlock
Senior Sales Engineer (Midwest and Southwest region)

yigit yoleri

Yigit Yoleri
Senior Applications & Technical Service Engineer

james daly

James Daly
Applications & Sales Engineer (NY State)

mike mckenna

Mike McKenna
Applications & Sales Engineer (New England Region)

augustine boima

Augustine Boima
Applications & Sales Engineer (Southeast Region)

nicholas kozdron

Nicholas Kozdron
Applications & Sales Engineer (New Jersey)

Marie Hayek
Office Administration Manager

Mishell Rojas

Mishell Rojas
Customer Service Support Representative

Alfredo Benzo
CRM/Administration Specialist

lorraine wolfe

Lorraine Wolfe
Digital Marketing Specialist